Walimatul Ursy

Monika & Andre

16 September 2019

you are invited to our wedding


We are Getting Married

Monica See

Daughter of John and Doe


Andre Dean

Son of Gabriel and Tifany

The Story

The first time I saw him, we were sitting at the gate for our flight to San Diego. I remember glancing over at him and thinking, Oh, wow, he’s cute. When I got to my seat, I saw that the seat beside me was empty and thought, How awesome would it be if he ended up next to me? He asked for my number and we went our separate ways. I was certain I would never hear from him again. I thought about him often, but eventually he faded into the ‘missed connections’ category. A few months later, out of the blue, he sent me [a message that said] ‘Happy New Year.’ We hit it off like nothing ever changed

Married Date

Will Held on:

Los Angeles, CA

Mon, September 16 2019

08.00 A.M - 12.00 A.M

Washington DC

Tue, September 17 2019

07.00 PM - 10.00 PM

Andree Monika

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